Identify and describe different exercise styles; identify and describe your own preferred exercise style based on personality traits 


NHES 1: Comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. 

CASEL COMPETENCY: Self-awareness; self-management


interval, aerobic, circuit 

Lesson Plan: What’s Your Exercise Style?

Think you hate working out? You just haven’t found your perfect fitness routine. Take this quiz to discover your ideal match. 


How does my personality influence the type of exercise I enjoy (or don’t enjoy)? 


  1. According to what you read, how can exercise benefit your health? Describe at least two health benefits mentioned in the article. Exercise can (accept any two): make you strong, fight symptoms of anxiety and depression, and may prevent problems like heart disease. 
  2. Does your hour of recommended activity per day need to be 60 minutes straight? Why or why not? No, your hour of recommended activity does not have to be 60 minutes straight. Instead, you should try to sneak movement into your day a few minutes at a time. 
  3. List at least one benefit of HIIT workouts mentioned in the article. HIIT (accept any one) elevates your heart rate, builds muscle, and gives you a tired-yet-energized post-workout vibe


  1. How does your preferred exercise style reflect your personality? Are there any exercises you hate? If so, why? Answers will vary.
  2. Think of an exercise that you have tried in the past. Did you stick with it? Why or why not? Now that you know your exercise personality, will you do anything differently in the future when trying new types of exercise? Answers will vary. 
  3. The article mentions that improved focus is a benefit of movement breaks while studying. As far as you know, might there be other academic benefits to movement breaks while studying? Describe at least one benefit. Possible answers; improved memory, more energy, decreased anxiety and stress.




CASEL Competency: Self-management

Once students have taken the quiz, they’ll create A PLAN TO STAY PUMPED. In order to accomplish this, put them into small groups based on quiz results, and have them create a plan for how they’ll incorporate the recommended workout from the article into their routine for the week.* When the week is over, have them note any changes in how they feel, physically and mentally.

*Remind students to check with a parent and/or doctor before independently attempting any exercise routine. (Click here to find this Skill Builder.)



CASEL Competency: Self-awareness; self-management

What better way to infuse some fun into exercise than by sharing a VIRAL FITNESS CHALLENGE? Whether or not students enjoy posting videos on social media, have them research a few viral exercises or even dance challenges with the class, share their favorite, and tell whether or not they would want to try it.* Consider offering interested students the opportunity to compete against one another in a challenge of their choice! 

*Remind students to check with a parent and/or doctor before independently attempting any exercise routine. (Click here to find this Skill Builder.)

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