1) My biggest exercise motivation is to . . .
A. get faster and stronger.
B. spend some time with my friends.
C. boost my health.
2) This year has been crazy. I’d like to feel . . .
A. more energized.
B. connected to others.
C. calm and centered.
3) My ideal place to work out is . . .
A. anywhere there’s room to move.
B. outside—love that fresh air.
C. indoors so I can crank up the A/C.
4) When it comes to sweat, my POV is . . .
A. it isn’t a workout unless I’m drenched.
B. I love a healthy glow.
C. um, no thanks.
5) my feelings about burpees are . . .
A. Bring ’em on!
B. I’ll do them if a friend challenges me to.
C. Burp-whats?