To understand the role of conflict in society and learn effective communication skills to help with resolution


Demonstrate strategies to prevent, manage, or resolve interpersonal conflicts without harming self or others (NHES 4)


 utopia, constructively, diplomat, hostility, compromise, escalates, assert, subtly

Lesson Plan: How To Fight Fair

Conflict resolution is a key skill that students need practice mastering. In this story, they’ll learn useful tips on how to “fight” in a fair and productive way.


How can I resolve conflicts in a way that is healthy and constructive?


  1. How does conflict help us grow? It challenges us to see someone else’s point of view. 
  2. What is a scared surrender? It’s when you stay quiet because it’s easier than asserting yourself. 
  3. What are absolutes and why should you avoid using them? Absolutes are words like “always” and “never,” which often make the issue seem bigger than it actually is. They might also make the other person feel like they’re being attacked. 
  4. Why is eye contact important when you’re trying to resolve a conflict? Eye contact shows the other person that you’re paying attention and are open to hearing their side.

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  1. “I statements” are important when settling a conflict. Why do you think that is? Possible answer: When you express your own personal thoughts and feelings, the other person won’t feel attacked and doesn’t need to become defensive. It’s also difficult to argue with the way someone feels. 
  2. What was the last conflict you had? How could the situation have gone differently if you’d used the skills from this article? Answers will vary. 
  3. When was the last time you had to challenge an authority figure? Do you feel like you handled it well? Answers will vary. 
  4. Why is the silent treatment an ineffective way to resolve a conflict? Possible answer: You’re not actually addressing the problem, so nothing will be resolved.




Give students a chance to practice the new communication skills they’ve learned. In groups of two or three, they’ll create a realistic skit about how to handle some of the common conflicts that pop up in their lives. Our ROLE PLAY GRAPHIC ORGANIZER will help them come up with a script for their side of the argument.



What are some common conflicts that occur in your school? Using the SO MUCH DRAMA handout, students will reflect on arguments they often have with friends, parents, siblings, teachers, and coaches. After, brainstorm ways to deal with these common conflicts on the board (or using an online program like Today’s Meet).

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