Asking to go to the bathroom might feel like a drag, but teachers need to keep track of you. They have good reasons for their other classroom policies too.
Karyn Bussell, health teacher in Maine: I’m so busy throughout the day that if my boss (the principal) asked me how many of my students left the classroom during first period, I probably wouldn’t remember without the sign-out sheet.
Lily Manderville, art teacher in California: It’s difficult to cover content if a student is consistently leaving to use the restroom, so I keep track of who leaves each day. I also enforce a strict no-foul-language policy in my classroom, which helps my students expand their vocabularies.
Carol Pellet, home economics teacher in California: My classroom rules are about safety. I teach cooking, which involves hot liquids and sharp objects. Students must wear closed-toed shoes and tie up their hair so they don’t get hurt if something is dropped or spilled.