Describe how germs affect people; identify behaviors and products that can protect people from harmful germs. 


NHES 3: Access valid information, products, and services to enhance health.

CASEL COMPETENCY: Self-management


organisms, nutrients, germophobe, balmy, sanitize

Lesson Plan: The Dirty Truth About Germs

Germs are everywhere! But are they all out to get us? Keep reading to get the lowdown—good, bad, and dirty—on these unseen organisms. 


How do different types of germs affect my body and how can I protect myself from harmful ones? 


  1. Describe at least one helpful type of germ mentioned in the article. Accept either of the following: Some germs found in your digestive system help you extract nutrients from food; germs living in your digestive system also help protect us from the bad kind of bacteria that can cause infections.
  2. Which household surfaces tend to be dirtiest and why? List at least two surfaces, briefly describing the germs found on each surface. Accept any two: Cutting boards can contain salmonella; pet bowls can contain yeast and mold; toothbrush holders can contain tiny particles of pee and poop from flushing; your phone contains thousands of bacteria.
  3. Why do more people get colds and the flu during the winter, according to the article? People spend more time inside during the colder months, which makes it easier to infect one another.


  1. Did you learn anything new or surprising about germs while reading the article? Explain. Answers will vary.
  2. According to what you read, is hand sanitizer a good substitute for soap allthe time? Explain. Possible answer: No, you should only use hand sanitizer when you don’t have access to soap and water.
  3. Have you heard about any other common misconceptions related to germs? Explain. Possible answers: Antibacterial soap is better at killing germs than regular soap; you can only spread disease if you have symptoms.




CASEL Competency: Self-management; responsible decision-making

As science continues to provide us with more information about germs, we learn more and more about how to protect ourselves from them. But before germ theory, people weren’t really sure what caused sickness. Have students investigate THE DIRTY HISTORY OF GERMS by watching this video and sharing their takeaways using the provided questions. (Click here to find this Skill Builder.)



CASEL Competency: Self-management, responsible decision-making

Have students create a video using Flipgrid (or their favorite video editing app) to create an ad to raise awareness about GERMS: THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE NASTY. Vote on the best videos to share to the school’s social media page! (Click here to find this Skill Builder.)

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