Psst! Want to know a secret? At this very moment, your entire body is crawling with germs. Under your fingernails. On your face. Even inside you: trillions of germs. The air you breathe, the food you eat, the ground you walk on, and the surfaces you touch are all teeming with germs.
If the thought of all these organisms wiggling on, in, and around you makes you want to run screaming for the shower, wait: They’re not all bad. Some types of germs are actually good for you. For example, the bacteria that live in your digestive system help you extract the nutrients you need from food, explains pediatrician Gregory Weaver. They also protect us from the bad kinds of bacteria that can cause infections.
That said, some germs are downright nasty and definitely need to be avoided. (Yes, we mean you, coronavirus.) So while there’s no need to go full-on germophobe, you definitely should take steps to protect yourself from the most unfriendly varieties. Think you know how? Read on to test your knowledge of which germs you need to watch out for and to find out how you can stop them in their tracks.