Read about inspiring “firsts” of four teens; identify and describe attitudes and action steps that are helpful for blazing a trail; evaluate the usefulness of difficult challenges to personal development. 


NHES 5: Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health. 

CASEL COMPETENCY: Responsible decision-making; social awareness 


naysayers, stereotypes, stroke, cardiologist, slur

Lesson Plan: I'm the First

From being the first one in their family to attend college to being the youngest ever to undergo a risky surgical procedure, these teens have taken on huge challenges. Read their stories to find out their trailblazing tips.


How should I approach a goal, objective, or dream if I don’t have an example to follow? 


  1. What is a heart loop monitor and why did Angelica need it?Angelica needed a heart loop monitor, a small device implanted into the body that can help doctors track heart rate, so doctors could see when and why her heart rate spiked.
  2. Why couldn’t Logan join his school’s dance team? How was he eventually able to do so? There was a state law against boys joining school dance teams. A year later, two other boys from Minnesota challenged that law and won.
  3. What did Diego do in junior high that helped him see himself as a good student? Accept either of the following: He checked out a book from the library; he realized he loved to read. 
  4. What does BSU stand for and what is it?  The BSU (Black Student Union) is a student-run organization that helps raise racial and cultural awareness and build community.


  1. Which of the trailblazers that you read about in the article inspired you the most? Why? Answers will vary.
  2. Got a favorite trailblazer? Describe at least one other trailblazer not mentioned in the article that you have read about, heard about, or that you know personally. Possible answers: Mae Jemison was the first Black woman in space; Amelia Earhart was the first woman to pilot a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean; John F. Kennedy was the youngest person ever to become elected president of the U.S.
  3. Are trailblazing tips useful even if you never become the first at something? Explain. Possible answer: Yes, because being a trailblazer gives you a way to be yourself, live a happy life, and inspire others to see possibilities. 




CASEL Competency: Responsible decision-making

LET’S TALK TRAILBLAZING: In this activity, have students work in groups to do research on a trailblazer not mentioned in the article. Then, have them prepare a short presentation for the class on what sets their chosen individual apart. Consider livening up the presentations by encouraging students to give a Kahoot quiz to the class at the end! (Click here to find this Skill Builder.)



CASEL Competency: Self-management; responsible decision-making 

Have students visualize their goals and dreams by researching vision boards and then creating their own TRAILBLAZER VISION BOARD. In addition to goals and visuals, have them consider adding some of the inspiring mantras from the article, or use some of their own. (Click here to find this Skill Builder.)

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