If you have two thumbs and a phone, you’re likely something of a social media pro. Your selfie face is on point, you’re fluent in meme, and you think up #hilarious captions in your sleep.
But no matter how much of a social media master you are, you probably still face decisions that leave you scratching your head. That’s because a lot of social media dilemmas come down to questions of etiquette. Etiquette doesn’t just mean knowing not to chew with your mouth open—it means understanding the codes of respectful behavior for a situation. Following good online etiquette can be tricky, because what’s cool for the group chat might be totally inappropriate for your public feed, and that hysterical text exchange might get you in hot water when you screenshot it to your Insta.
Fortunately, we have solutions to keep you in good graces online—and also keep you feeling good about yourself. So do a few thumb stretches, then take our quiz to find out how to handle even the most awkward social media situations.