Identify strategies to achieve long-term goals, explain the role of visualization in setting personal goals


NHES 6: Demonstrate the benefits of goal-setting skills to enhance health

CASEL Competency: Self-management


envisioning, visualization, repetition, informational

Lesson Plan: Make Your Own Luck

Is good luck as random as it seems, or can you make luck come to you? This article helps students learn how to hack their life to make their dreams come true. 


How much of what happens to me is within my control, and what can I do to increase my luck?


  1. How does visualization work? Visualization is your brain’s dress rehearsal for something you’re about to accomplish. It helps you practice behaviors that bring you closer to your goal. 
  2. How does the article suggest using your phone to help you achieve goals? You can set an image of your goal as your lock screen. It will serve as a daily reminder to make behavioral changes that get you closer to achieving your goal. 
  3. How can taking risks get you closer to your goal? By taking risks, you open yourself up to more possibilities to achieve your goal. 
  4. Why is it important to expose yourself to new people and experiences when you have a goal? New people could connect you to unexpected opportunities.

Like What You See?

Then you'll love Choices, our health, social-emotional learning, and life-skills magazine for grades 7–12 


  1. When is the last time you took a risk that paid off? Describe the situation and what you learned in the process. Answers will vary. 
  2. Think of someone you admire. How did they demonstrate these luck-enhancing skills to reach their goals? Answers will vary. 
  3. What’s your dream job? How can you help yourself get closer to it today? Think of at least three things you can do. Possible answers: I can reach out to a local business or organization for internship opportunites; I can reach out to family friends who work in the industry that I want to join; I can attend free events and try to network with people to make new connections. 



NHES 6, CASEL Competency: Self-management

The No. 1 one secret of lucky people is that they set goals. In this skill builder, students will use the I GOT THIS goal-setting guide to identify something they would like to achieve and break it down into manageable steps.


NHES 6, CASEL Competency: Self-management

Visualization is a huge part of the goal-setting process. Using the SEE IT, BELIEVE IT, ACHIEVE IT template, students will create their own vision boards. It’s also a great way to recycle old magazines! 

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