Describe the importance of asking for help for mental health issues, identify factors that motivate people toward advocacy, describe the influence of technology on personal and family health


NHES 8: Advocate for personal, family, and community health

CASEL Competency: Social awareness


trigger, dubbed, certification, legislative

Lesson Plan: Fighting for Mental Health Awareness

When Hannah felt hopeless, she wasn’t sure how to ask for help. Now she and her brother have created an app that makes it easier to reach out for support.


How can I use what I learned from a difficult experience to help others who are struggling?


  1. How does depression affect girls differently than boys? Girls are more likely than boys to suffer from depression, but are more likely to receive treatment. 
  2. What did Hannah’s brother say about helping her through depression, and what was he able to do? Charlie said he didn’t know how to help her with her depression, but he could use his coding skills to help her design an app to help others. 
  3. How does the notOK app work? You enter contact info for five people you trust. If you ever need help, you use the app to send them a message and your GPS location. 
  4. What are Hannah and Charlie doing with their campaign now? Hannah and Charlie are drafting a bill to make Mental Health First Aid certification mandatory for teachers statewide in Georgia.

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  1.  Hannah was scared to tell her mom about how she was feeling. Would you be comfortable talking to your parents about your mental health? Why or why not? Answers will vary. 
  2. Why do you think Hannah wants to ensure that all teachers are trained in Mental Health First Aid? Possible answer: Teachers deal with students every day and can notice if someone seems like they are struggling. It’s important that teachers know the right way to respond. 
  3. Hannah’s brother didn’t know how to help her with her depression. Describe a time you wanted to help a friend or family member but didn’t know what you could do. Answers will vary




CASEL Competency: Social awareness

Every year, more and more people come forward to openly discuss mental health issues, hoping to raise awareness. Using our guide, have students research a public figure who is CHALLENGING THE STIGMA of mental health and share their findings with the class.



CASEL Competency: Social awareness

Hannah created an app to help people reach out when they are struggling—something she had difficulty doing. Divide the class into groups and have them come up with a creative way to let their peers know that there is no shame in seeking help, because IT’S OK TO NOT BE OK

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