To read opposing views and take a side, identify factors of bullying, analyze the role schools play in fostering positive values in students


NHES 2: Evaluate how the school and community can affect personal health practices and behaviors

CASEL Competency: Social awareness


expulsion, reform, traits, civility, rehabilitating, inventive, resonate, embed, anecdotes, perspective

Lesson Plan: Should Bullies Be Expelled?

A a zero-tolerance policy on bullying is a tough approach. Two teens debate the pros and cons. 


 How can schools best intervene when they want bullying to stop?


  1. What happens to students at Jordon’s school who get in trouble for bullying? These students are sent to a special school, where they are taught social skills. After finishing the required courses, they can return to their regular school. 
  2. Why does Jordon think this method works? A girl he has known since middle school was sent to the school. When she returned, she was kinder and had learned skills she needed to work with her classmates. 
  3. What does Alex say happens at his school when bullying prevention comes up? He says the messages are repetitive, so students don’t pay attention. They ignore the lessons and sometimes even laugh. 
  4. What does Alex suggest schools do instead? Alex suggests that schools embed messages about bullying in classes and focus on the root causes of bullying, rather than on punishing individual bullies. 

Like What You See?

Then you'll love Choices, our health, social-emotional learning, and life-skills magazine for grades 7–12 


  1. What is the approach to bullying prevention at your school, and do you think it works? Explain your answer. Answers will vary. 
  2. Many people don’t speak up when they witness bullying. Why do you think that is? Possible answer: They might be scared of being the next target, or they don’t think it’s that big of a deal. 
  3. The article includes a positivity promise. Why is positivity a good way to prevent bullying, and do you think a positivity pledge would work at your school? Possible answer: Positivity is a good way to prevent bullying because it promotes kindness. At my school a positivity pledge could unite students against bullying and remind them that they can be a part of preventing this behavior. 




CASEL Competency: Social awareness

Targeting reasons why someone bullies can be an effective prevention tool. Using the NOBODY’S BORN A BULLY template, students will draft a letter to someone who has been bullying another student, giving the bully healthy coping skills and ways to self-reflect.



CASEL Competencies: Responsible decision-making, social awareness

Alex says the outdated videos shown at his school don’t work. In this activity, students will create their own updated version using the BULLYING PREVENTION 2.0 planning sheet as a guide.

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