Moment of Calm: Play It Up

Lucy Lambriex/Getty Images

When you were little, you probably spent most of your day playing. Now that you’re a busy teen, you might not make time for unstructured silliness. But you should! Studies show that playing releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins. It can also reduce stress and increase creativity. But best of all, it’s just fun. Not sure how to get your play on? Try one of these.

1. Build something. 

Use Lego® bricks, Magnatiles, or wooden blocks to build a structure, vehicle, or fantastical creature.

2. Play a game. 

Grab a friend, sibling, or parent for a game of hide-and-seek, tag, charades, or “What am I?”. 

3. Dress up.

Make an outfit from old Halloween costumes or ask a parent or older sibling if you can raid their closet. Add makeup to complete the look.

4. Doodle.

Grab a piece of paper and some colored pencils, pens, or paint. Or go outside with a box of chalk. 
