I’m a Coach 

Basketball has been Damani Myers’s passion for as long as he can remember. Today he’s an assistant coach for the men’s basketball team at the United States Military Academy at West Point. The athletes who Damani oversees play basketball at the Division 1 level, which is the most competitive level of college sports in the U.S. He’s also coached younger players. Whether he’s coaching elementary school students or college athletes, Damani loves helping players achieve their athletic dreams. If you’re a sports fan who is interested in helping teams win games, read on to learn more about Damani’s professional journey as a coach.

I was born into a family of basketball fans. My parents say that I often had a stuffed mini basketball with me in my crib. As a kid, I tried a lot of sports. But basketball was my real passion.

I played basketball in college. I also coached teens in a summer basketball program. That’s when I fell in love with the impact I could have on young players on and off the court.

The hours can be long for a coach. If we take the bus to an away game, we might not get home until 1:00 in the morning. There are games on the weekends too.

After graduating, I was a video coordinator for a college team. I analyzed footage of countless games. Over the years, I developed an eye for what makes a play successful.

I don’t get to play as much ball as I used to. But basketball is still a major part of my life every single day. It feels amazing to be an essential piece of every game I coach. 

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