How to Cook (Almost) Anything

Stomach growling? Use these basic kitchen skills to whip up a tasty meal.

It’s a Saturday afternoon, and you’re home alone, craving a snack. You open the fridge, but all that’s staring back at you is some cheese, a loaf of bread, and a few other random ingredients. “I wish I could cook,” you think to yourself. But even successfully toasting a piece of bread without burning it feels beyond your skill set.

Now’s the perfect time to get over your fear of the kitchen. Learning how to cook doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming. In fact, it can be fun and creative. Plus, being able to prepare your own snack or meal is a skill you’ll use for the rest of your life.

Whether you’re craving a quick bite, hoping to impress your family with a homemade meal, or just wanting to eat something other than dry cereal, this guide will help you take those first steps in the kitchen. 

Foolproof Recipe 1: Toast

1. Make sure your toaster is plugged in.

2. Place slices of bread in the toaster, set the dial to your desired level of crispness, and push down the lever. Tip: The bagel setting usually heats the inner sides of each slot of the toaster more than the outer sides. Position your bagel with the cut sides facing in if you’re using this setting. 

3. Wait for your bread to pop back up. Tip: If it’s not dark enough, set the dial to a lower level, then re-toast the bread. Darker bread toasts faster than lighter. 

4. If your toast gets stuck, use wooden tongs or chopsticks to pull it out. Never stick knives or forks in the toaster!  

5. Add butter, jam, sliced avocado, almond butter, or whatever topping you like!

Foolproof Recipe 2: Pasta

1. Fill a large pot about two-thirds of the way with water. Add a big pinch of salt.

2. Put the pot on the stove, turn the burner to high, and cover the pot with a lid. 

3. Using an oven mitt, remove the lid every so often to check if the water has started boiling. Look for large bubbles that rise quickly and burst at the surface.

4. When the water is boiling, add your pasta. As a general rule, ⅓ to ½ cup of shaped pasta (like macaroni) equals one serving. Give it a stir to prevent it from clumping together.

5. Once the water returns to a boil, turn down the heat. You want the water to be boiling gently, but not so much that it spills over the edge. Leave the lid off the pot.

6. Set a timer for the amount of time listed on the pasta box.

7. Stir occasionally. When the timer goes off, carefully remove a few pieces of pasta using a slotted spoon. Run them under cold water to cool them, then taste them to make sure the pasta is done. 

8. Once the pasta’s done, turn off the burner. Put a colander in the sink. Using two oven mitts to protect your hands, carefully tip the pot of pasta into the colander to drain the water. 

9. Serve with butter, salt, olive oil, or the sauce of your choice. 

Foolproof Recipe 3: Grilled Cheese


  • 2 slices of bread (any kind you like)
  • 2 slices of cheese (cheddar, American, or your favorite)
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons butter or margarine


1. Spread a thin layer of butter or margarine on one side of each slice of the bread.  

2. Place one slice of bread buttered side down in a frying pan. Put both slices of cheese on top, then cover with the second slice of bread, with the buttered side facing up. 

3. Put the frying pan on the burner and turn the heat to medium. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes, pressing down gently on the top of the sandwich with a spatula. Carefully lift one edge of the sandwich to check if it’s done on the bottom.

4. Once the bottom is golden-brown, use the spatula to carefully flip the sandwich over. Cook for another 2 to 3 minutes, until the cheese is melted and both sides are crispy and golden.

5. Remove from the pan, let the sandwich cool for a minute, then cut in half to serve. 

Foolproof Recipe 4: Stovetop Popcorn

1. Pour 1 tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil in the bottom of a large pot with a tight-fitting lid.

2. Add ¼ cup of unpopped popcorn kernels.

3. Put the lid on the pot and turn the heat to medium. 

4. Wait until you hear the kernels start popping. Wearing oven mitts, shake the pot every few seconds while the kernels are still popping rapidly.

5. When the popping slows to about 3 to 5 seconds between pops, turn off the heat. Carefully remove the lid from the pot and pour the popcorn into a bowl. Add salt and melted butter, if you like.

Fun Fact: You can also make popcorn in the microwave by putting ¼ cup of popcorn kernels in a brown paper lunch bag. Fold the edges of the bag over several times and put it in the microwave. Set the timer for 4 minutes (you probably won’t need this long). When the popping slows to about 3 to 5 seconds between pops, take the bag out and carefully unfold the top.

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