1. Fill a large pot about two-thirds of the way with water. Add a big pinch of salt.
2. Put the pot on the stove, turn the burner to high, and cover the pot with a lid.
3. Using an oven mitt, remove the lid every so often to check if the water has started boiling. Look for large bubbles that rise quickly and burst at the surface.
4. When the water is boiling, add your pasta. As a general rule, ⅓ to ½ cup of shaped pasta (like macaroni) equals one serving. Give it a stir to prevent it from clumping together.
5. Once the water returns to a boil, turn down the heat. You want the water to be boiling gently, but not so much that it spills over the edge. Leave the lid off the pot.
6. Set a timer for the amount of time listed on the pasta box.
7. Stir occasionally. When the timer goes off, carefully remove a few pieces of pasta using a slotted spoon. Run them under cold water to cool them, then taste them to make sure the pasta is done.
8. Once the pasta’s done, turn off the burner. Put a colander in the sink. Using two oven mitts to protect your hands, carefully tip the pot of pasta into the colander to drain the water.
9. Serve with butter, salt, olive oil, or the sauce of your choice.