A User’s Guide to Consent

Here are five things to know about this important part of any relationship. 

What does consent mean? 

You might not be exactly sure. But guess what? You already practice it all the time. If you’ve ever said, “Do you want a hug?” you have asked for consent. If you’ve said, “Yeah, you can borrow my headphones,” you have given consent. If you’ve said, “Don’t tickle me!,” you have chosen not to give consent. 

Simply put, consent means giving and receiving permission to do something. It is a key part of any relationship. And it’s extra important when it comes to romantic relationships and physical intimacy. Holding hands, hugging, or kissing can be fun and exciting. However, if you don’t feel safe and comfortable, a situation can quickly become scary instead of fun. That’s not OK.

That’s why you should always check in with others about what they feel comfortable with. 

It’s also important to check in with yourself. “It’s crucial to understand how to ask other people about their boundaries,” says Valerie Sedivy, a psychologist who teaches teens about healthy relationships. “It’s also really important to know how to express yourself and advocate for your own boundaries with other people.” 

But consent can often involve more than a simple “yes” or “no.” To truly work, consent must be freely given, reversible, informed, enthusiastic, and specific. (An easy to way to remember these requirements is to think of the word FRIES.) Here’s a breakdown of what each of those terms means.

1. Consent is Freely given.

This means consent is a choice a person makes when they are not being pressured.

For example: You’re at homecoming when a friend asks you to dance with her.

While you’re thinking about it, she says, “Everyone is watching! You have to dance with me, or I’ll stop being your friend.” You reluctantly agree to dance, because you’re afraid of the consequences.

Although you said yes, your consent wasn’t freely given, so it doesn’t actually count as consent. “Nobody should feel like they have to say yes when they don’t really mean it,” explains Sedivy.

It’s also very important to remember that if someone is asleep, or if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they are not able to freely give consent.

2. Consent is Reversible.

This means a person can change their mind about consent at any time, for any reason.

For example: You’re going to get bubble tea with a cute teammate from soccer. At practice earlier, he told you he wanted to kiss you. But as you’re sitting at the bubble tea place, he says, “Actually, I don’t think I want to kiss.” You may not be thrilled that he changed his mind, but it’s super important that you respect your teammate’s boundaries. “We change our minds about things all the time,” Sedivy says. “Consent is no different than anything else. Intimacy is no different.” 

3. Consent is Informed.

This means a person needs to know exactly what they are agreeing to do. If they don’t have all the information they need to say yes or no, consent can’t be given.

For example: Your friend from math class invites you to play video games at her house with your other friends. You say yes, but when you get there, it’s just you and your friend. She says, “This is a fun first date!” The thing is, you didn’t consent to going on a date. Check in with yourself to see how you feel about your friend calling the hangout a date. If you aren’t comfortable with that, let her know. Just because you said yes to playing video games with friends doesn’t mean you said yes to a date, and your friend must respect that.

4. Consent is Enthusiastic.

This means a person should feel happy and excited when they say yes to doing something.

For example: You’re walking home from school with your crush from orchestra. You ask him if he wants to hold hands as you walk. He says, “Uh, maybe?” That does not mean he is giving you consent. If on another walk home you ask again and your crush says, “Yes! I’d totally love to!” then you will know that he really wants to hold hands with you. Unless a person gives you an enthusiastic yes, you need to respect their boundaries. If you’re still unsure, just ask!

5. Consent is Specific.

This means a person must consent to each specific act, each specific time. Saying yes to one thing does not mean saying yes to something more intense or different. Saying yes to something on one day does not mean saying yes to it every day. 

For example: You’re watching a movie with a person you just started dating. Last time you watched a movie you cuddled with her, but this time, you’re feeling like you’d rather just sit on the couch. That is totally OK! Talk about your feelings, and make sure the other person respects your boundaries, even if they change from day to day. 

As Sedivy explains, “If you offer someone a cup of tea on Wednesday and they say yes, you don’t automatically assume they want tea on Thursday without asking. Physical intimacy works the same way.”

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