Your Body on Calcium

This important mineral is responsible for strong bones . . . and much more.

Did you know that right now, while you are working hard in school, your bones are also working hard? They’re becoming thicker and stronger. In fact, by the time you’re 17, your bones will have grown 75 percent of their total mass. That’s why it’s so important for you to treat them right. One way to do that is to get enough calcium in your diet. This mineral plays a huge role in keeping your bones healthy and strong. Your muscles, kidneys, and blood also all rely on calcium to work properly. Learn how this essential mineral keeps you strong, and how to make sure you’re getting enough of it.


Calcium helps send nerve impulses to your muscle fibers and plays an important role in the contractions that make your muscles move.


Calcium strengthens your enamel, the hard coating that protects your teeth from decay.


Your blood cells need calcium to flow throughout the body. Your blood also needs calcium for clotting, which prevents excess bleeding.


Your body stores 99 percent of your calcium in your bones. If your diet lacks calcium, your body will pull calcium from your bones, making them weak and at risk for breaks as you grow.


Studies have found that eating calcium-rich foods lowers your risk of kidney stones, a painful condition that can require surgery.

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