You could really use some exercise, so you search #fitspo on TikTok. But after scrolling videos of superthin, crazy ripped #fitfluencers, you feel anything but inspired. Does anyone really look like that?
Short answer: No. Many influencers use tricks to appear buffer or thinner than IRL.
That’s a problem, because recent studies have shown that looking at images of unrealistic bodies on social media has been linked to low self-esteem and depression in teens. That’s exactly the opposite of the way exercise should make you feel.
So instead of exercising because you think you need to change your body, exercise to keep your already amazing body healthy and strong. “Movement should be fun,” says Naomi Finkelstein, a coach who teaches body-positive yoga. “When we’re focused on the way we look, we’re missing the point.”
If you think of working out as a celebration of your body, you’ll experience some awesome benefits. Finkelstein says that the teens she teaches feel more confident, empowered, and connected to their bodies and their emotions.
So check out the fun, easy, body-positive exercises on the following pages. Then get ready to start appreciating your absolutely incredible, totally perfect physique. Your body will thank you!