Identify a variety of dangers related to alcohol consumption; distinguish alcohol facts from myths; describe a variety of ways to stay safe if you are in a situation where alcohol is involved. 


NHES 8: Demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors to avoid or reduce health risk. 


CASEL: Responsible decision-making; self-management 



alcohol poisoning


Lesson Plan: Your Body on Alcohol

Even a little bit of alcohol can do a whole lot of harm. 

1. Preparing to Read

Before you read the article “Your Body On. . . Alcohol” ask your students the following pre-reading question:

How can drinking alcohol affect my mind, body, and mood? 

2. Reading and Discussing

  • Have your students read the article “Your Body On ... Alcohol” independently; read the article out loud to them; or have students partner-read the article out loud.
  • After they’ve read the article, revisit the pre-reading question. Have their answers changed? 
  • Next, have your students answer the Close-Reading and Critical-Thinking questions, either working in small groups or independently. 

Close-Reading Questions
The following questions can be shared in printable or interactive form from the Resources tab. 

  1. How does alcohol affect your optic nerves, and how can this put you at risk? 
  2. According to the article, how can you make sure you get home safely even if you’re around alcohol? 

Critical-Thinking Questions

  1. What are some reasons that a teen may choose to drink, in your opinion? List at least two reasons. 

  2. Where do teens get the message that it is cool for them to drink? Explain your answer, giving at least one example. 

3. Building Comprehension and Vocab

Check students’ comprehension of and engagement with the story with the following assessment tools:

  • Quiz

  • Vocab Builder

4. Expanding SEL Opportunities

Continue the learning journey with the following extension activity:

In ADS AGAINST ALCOHOL, students will create poster advertisements or short commercials that send a realistic message about teen drinking. Encourage them to use their own creative ideas (such as a catchy slogan) as well as facts and statistics learned while reading the article. 

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