Evaluate the health benefits of coping with challenges; describe common reactions to trauma and ways to cope.


NHES 7: Demonstrate a variety of behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self and others.


CASEL: Self-awareness; relationship skills






Lesson Plan: A User's Guide to Healing

Tough times can come with tough emotions. This month, we’re helping you cope and come back better than ever.

1. Preparing to Read

Before you read the article “A User’s Guide to Healing,” ask your students the following pre-reading question:

What health benefits do tough times offer, and how can I cope with negative emotions while going through a tough time?

2. Reading and Discussing

  • Have your students read the article “A User’s Guide to Healing” independently; read the article out loud to them; or have students partner-read the article out loud.
  • After they’ve read the article, revisit the pre-reading question. Have their answers changed?
  • Next, have your students answer the Close-Reading and Critical-Thinking questions, either working in small groups or independently.

Close-Reading Questions
The following questions can be shared in printable or interactive form from the Resources tab. 

  1. How can managing hard emotions during stressful situations be beneficial, according to what you read?
  2. What is the main health benefit of expressing gratitude?

Critical-Thinking Questions

  1. After reading the article, are there any coping skills you would like to try? Explain.
  2. Imagine that a friend or close family member of yours is going through one of the mental health struggles described in the article. How would you support that person?

3. Building Comprehension and Vocab

Check students’ comprehension of and engagement with the story with the following assessment tools:

  • Quiz

  • Vocab Builder

4. Expanding SEL Opportunities

Continue the learning journey with the following extension activity:

In NORMALIZE HEALING, students will create a TikTok on one section of the article in order to spread awareness about tough times and healing. You may opt to assign certain sections of the article or have groups choose the section they liked the best. If possible, have the class vote on the best video and get permission to share it on the school social media page.

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