Should Phys Ed Be an Elective?

The importance of exercise is undebatable—it helps you manage stress and stay focused, and it can even prevent illness, all of which is why experts recommend at least an hour of physical activity each day. But should you be able to choose when and how you work out?

YES: Students would get an actual workout.

Ryan Lee, a high school freshman in California

Ryan: I believe phys ed should be an elective because when it’s mandatory for all students, the class is often too big for anyone to get an effective workout. Once you subtract the time it takes an entire class of students to get changed into their gym clothes, listen to instructions, and then wait their turn to participate, you have nowhere near a full hour left for exercise. In fact, a study by MSNBC found students are physically active in phys ed for just 16 minutes­—­and that’s not counting the kids who don’t participate. If phys ed were an elective like art, photography, or music, only students who wanted to take it would sign up. Smaller classes of motivated students would mean participants got more time and opportunities to play, and would be more likely to get an actual workout.

YES: Students would get an actual workout.

Jheel Gandhi, a high school junior in California

Jheel: I need phys ed class. It helps me loosen up during the day and shift my focus away from my schoolwork. Beyond stress release, physical education classes have a wide range of benefits. Phys ed is a place to learn skills such as cooperation and teamwork, and boost self-confidence. You also develop your coordination and motor skills. Even if you aren’t exercising for the full recommended 60 minutes, having mandatory physical education class gets you in the habit of making time for exercise each day, so you’ll be more likely to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle in the future. Additionally, phys ed classes teach students important information about their bodies and nutrition that they might not learn in any other class. Most students need help establishing healthy habits, and if phys ed were optional, many students would miss out.

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