Identify a range of health benefits associated with listening to music; distinguish facts from myths about listening to music; describe a variety of ways to derive the health benefits of listening to music.


NHES 1: Comprehend concepts to promote health and disease prevention.


CASEL: Self-management; responsible decision-making





Lesson Plan: Your Body on…Music

A catchy song can hit the right notes for your body, mind, and mood.

1. Preparing to Read

Before you read the article “Your Body On . . . Music,” ask your students the following pre-reading question:

How does listening to music affect your mind, body, and mood?

2. Reading and Discussing

  • Have your students read the article “Your Body On... Music” independently; read the article out loud to them; or have students  partner-read the article out loud.
  • After they’ve read the article, revisit the pre-reading question. Have their answers changed?
  • Next, have your students answer the Close-Reading and Critical-Thinking questions, either working in small groups or independently.

Close-Reading Questions
The following questions can be shared in printable or interactive form from the Resources tab. 

  1. How can listening to music benefit your workout?
  2. How can listening to fast versus slow music affect your heart rate?

Critical-Thinking Questions

  1. How do you feel music impacts your life positively? List at least two ways.
  2. In the article, you read about some fun ways to interact with music. What is your favorite way to interact with music?

3. Building Comprehension and Vocab

Check students’ comprehension of and engagement with the story with the following assessment tools:

  • Quiz

  • Vocab Builder

4. Expanding SEL Opportunities

Continue the learning journey with the following extension activity:

Have your students create a MIND, BODY, MOOD PLAYLIST by choosing an activity like studying, exercising, or relaxing and creating a playlist to help with that activity. Then, have them share a few songs from their playlists in small groups and explain why they chose each song.

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