My doctor told me that for the rest of my life, I’ll have to avoid gluten. That means not eating any food that has wheat, rye, barley, malt, or some oats. In other words, no bread, pasta, cake, or cookies. Once you start looking for gluten, you realize it’s in so many foods we eat every day.
Even the smallest amount of gluten can trigger a reaction for me, so none of the food I eat can even come in contact with foods that have gluten. People with celiac can’t use a toaster that’s had regular bread in it, have food off of a grill that has had gluten on it, or share a strainer that’s been used for regular pasta. We can’t have peanut butter that may have leftover bread crumbs in it.
When I go to a restaurant, I need to explain to the waitstaff that my food has to be prepared separately. I’ve also had to learn how to read ingredient labels really closely. I often reread labels two or three times to make sure the food is safe.