Read opposing viewpoints and take a side; evaluate the importance of dress code rules in the online learning environment vs. the in-person environment


NHES 2: Students will describe the interrelationships of emotional, intellectual, physical, and social health

CASEL COMPETENCY: Self-management; responsible decision-making


commiserating, adhere, counterbalance, foster, sustained

Lesson Plan: Are Remote Learning Dress Codes Fair?

Should schools dictate what students can and can’t wear during remote learning? Two Choices advisers weigh in.


Should dress code requirements for virtual school be similar or different to those of face-to-face school?


  1. Why does Lauren believe that dress codes for remote school are useful? List at least two reasons. Accept any two: Uniforms create a sense of formality; uniforms keep students connected; uniforms help students stay focused.

  2. According to Maneesh, why  is being comfortable important when learning online? For Maneesh, being comfortable in your choice of dress can be emotionally comforting in an unfamiliar situation.

  3. How can avoiding your phone first thing in the morning help your mind, according to the article? Waiting a few minutes before starting to scroll on your phone can help regulate your brain chemistry and improve concentration.


  1. Do you think that dress codes are appropriate for students attending school remotely? What about for in-person learning? Explain. Answers will vary.

  2. What rules should be followed for online learning whether you have dress codes or not? List at least two rules you do agree with, and tell why they are important. Possible answers: Active participation in all activities and discussions when connected to class; connecting to class on time; turning cameras on at the beginning of the lesson to confirm attendance; staying on mute when not sharing; keeping interactions school-appropriate.

  3. Are you currently learning remotely or in-person? Briefly describe at least one challenge you have faced this year due to changes, and explain how you were able deal with that challenge. Answers will vary.




CASEL Competency: Self-management; responsible decision-making

Students might have differing opinions on dress codes for remote school, but are there other routines and practices beyond dress code that can be helpful? Have them research and experiment with THREE WAYS TO BOOST CONFIDENCE AND STAY FOCUSED. Then have them give a short talk to their classmates about their favorite confidence or focus-booster. (Click here to find this Skill Builder.)



CASEL Competency: Self-management; responsible decision-making

CAN YOU DRESS FOR SUCCESS ONLINE? In this activity, students will get the chance to debate. Divide the class into teams and assign them a position in the debate. Have them research their assigned positions using facts, statistics, and/or personal experience. Consider using a “tag-team debate” format for larger classes. Declare winners based on how well the teams research and defend their positions. (Click here to find this Skill Builder.)

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