Read opposing viewpoints and take a side; evaluate the effectiveness of letter grades in motivating students; demonstrate awareness of one’s own motivation type.


NHES 2: Evaluate how the school and community can affect personal health practices and behaviors.

CASEL COMPETENCY: Social awareness; self-awareness


comprehensive, equitable, repercussions, extrinsic, intrinsic, incentive

Lesson Plan: Should Schools Ditch Letter Grades? 

Should schools stick with letter grades, or is pass/fail the way to go? Two Choices advisers weigh in.


Are letter grades effective in motivating students to achieve, or should schools consider alternative evaluation systems? 


  1. In Daniel’s opinion, how do grades impede students’ curiosity? Daniel says that students may not want to try a new subject because they fear it will affect their GPA. 
  2. How does Gauri say her approach to schoolwork was affected after her school adopted a pass-fail grading system? Why does she say her approach changed? After Gauri’s school changed to a pass-fail grading system, she started spending less time on schoolwork because she knew she would pass by doing the minimum.
  3. What is one reason that Gauri believes grades prepare students for real life? Accept either of the following: Most colleges have grades; many companies award raises and promotions based on employee reviews.


  1. Are traditional letter grades an example of an intrinsic or extrinsic motivator? Why. Possible answer: Letter grades are considered extrinsic motivators because they motivate the student to work for a reward.
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of each student’s argument. Which argument did you find more persuasive, Daniel’s or Gauri’s? Explain. Answers will vary. 
  3. Are you more extrinsically motivated, intrinsically motivated, or are you a mix of both? Based on what you read, in what specific ways can you use your motivation style to achieve your goals? List at least three ways below. Answers will vary




CASEL Competency: Social awareness; self-awareness

In the article, students heard both sides of the debate about letter grades. In this activity, have them research ALTERNATIVES TO A-B-C, or which types of unique evaluation systems (other than pass/fail) are already being used in schools. Have them identify and describe pros and cons of those alternatives. Then have them pick a side in the debate. (Click here to find this Skill Builder.)



CASEL Competency: Social awareness; relationship skills 

Once students have picked a side, begin a class-wide VIDEO DEBATE. First, have students write a persuasive essay arguing for traditional letter grades or alternative evaluation systems. Remind them to stay solutions-focused! To encourage debate, have students use Flipgrid to make a video of themselves reading their essays. Then, have them respond to one another’s videos. (Click here to find this Skill Builder.)

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